Reed Diffusers - 6oz


Reed diffusers are the perfect answer if you’re looking to keep a constant refreshing scent in part of your house, or if you don’t like to have a candle burning in a room you aren’t in.

Scents last forever… or at least 10 months. Seriously; I had one that I started using in December and it lasted me until October.

If you feel your scent is fading, flip the reeds to refresh - just be sure to wash your hands after so you don’t transfer fragrance oil to your fave shirt or pair of jeans!

Looking for a different scent? Want a seasonal scent not currently listed? (Attention all of you obsessed with Tis the Season) Send me a message; I’ll be more than happy to pour a scent just for you!

Important note: if you diffuse scents similar to how you burn candles, meaning “by the season” be sure to keep the rubber stopper these come with and once the season passes, simply pop the stopper in and toss the sticks until the appropro season rolls around again!) Reed refill sticks available here.

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Reed Diffusers - 6oz Bloom Collection
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